Kamis, 17 Januari 2013


Posted by Distro-laros in - 2 komentar

 Riko saikai biso ngubungi Distro Laros ambi macem2 coro:
iki toko offline distrolaros, ayo mrene ring distro laros. :) 
Perumahan Brawijaya Asri C7 Banyuwangi
Twitter : @distrolaros
fb: Distro Laros

You can contact Distro Laros by any of the following methods: 
 this the offline shop of distrolaros, visit us! distro laros :)
Brawijaya Asri Residence C7 Banyuwangi
Twitter : @distrolaros
fb: Distro Laros
Email: Distro.laros@gmail.com
Handphone : 085649309992 / 085236638248 

Couple - Jebeng Thulik

Posted by Distro-laros in - 0 komentar

Jebeng ikau celukan kanggo lare enom kang durung nikah / perawan ring banyuwangi, umume di celuk "Beng" .

Jebeng is a call to young unmarried / girls in Banyuwangi , who is generally called "Beng"

kadung Thulik ikau celukan kanggo lare enom, lanang

if Thulik a call a while for young men

kadung riko Kepingin tuku kelami kang ono ring photo, biso langsung teko ring Perumahan Brawijaya Asri C7,utawane sms ring 085 649 30 9992

If you want to buy clothes in the photo, can just come in Brawijaya Asri Residence C7 banyuwangi , or SMS 085649309992

Rabu, 02 Januari 2013

Happy New Year 2013

Posted by Distro-laros in - 0 komentar

Selamet taun anyar 2013 mugo mugo kabeh kang diarepaken ring taun 2012 hang durung kesampean, ring taun 2013 ikai diwujudaken ambi allah SWT.

happy new year 2013. hope all you want in the year 2012 which has not been achieved, in 2013 was realized by the gods.

Ring tahun ikai, distro laros mbukak ring perumahan brawijaya asri C7 Banyuwangi. isun ngundang sopo baen kanggo ndeleng lan tukau podukisun.

in this year, distro laros open the outlets in Brawijaya Asri Residental C7 Banyuwangi. we invite everyone to visit and purchase our products.

isun negasno maning selamet taun baru 2013. Salam

Happy New Year 2013. Regards

The outlet of Distro Laros



